Who's Who in the Dark Mirror Universe

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Chavo Guerrero | Torrie Wilson | Linda McMahon | Chris Jericho
Tommy Dreamer | Eric Bischoff
Queen Victoria

Chavo Guerrero, Jr.

Torrie Wilson

Linda McMahon
-WWFEntertainment CEO

Chris Jericho

Chris Irvine-WWF
Arrogance personified rules Chris Irvine both in the ring and out of it. Convinced of his charisma and his prowess with the ladies, Chris has almost completely abondoned and supressed his everyday personality in order to get as far in his career as he can. That includes buttering up the boss--and his daughter.

Tommy Dreamer

Tom Laughlin - ECW

Eric Bischoff

Talent Liason-WCW

Lisa Marie Varon

Queen Victoria

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